How To Use

ACCYSL  uses (MSL) for scheduling, results, and referee assignments. This page has some basic information for recreational teams on how to use the system. Competitive teams and their administrators should contact their  directly about rosters, printing out game cards, and scheduling.

Getting An Account And Login Info

When your team is entered into and your name is entered as coach, if you do not yet have an account, one will be created for you automatically. If your email address has been entered with your account info, then you will receive an email from the system with your login info. If you do not receive an email, first go to and click on Forgot your Password? in the login form. If your email address is in the system, you will be sent your login info. If that does not work, then contact your League Administrator (open position) for help.

Logging In

Go to to login.

Finding Your Schedule

Click on View Team to see your team page. The game schedule, practice schedule (if your club uses MSL for that), and field directions are listed along with your team officials. Click on Division Schedule (from the team page) or View Division (from your home page) to see the full division schedule. If you are an ACCYSL recreational team standings will not be displayed.

Reporting Game Results

It is a good idea to report game results even if standings are not public. The match scheduler can use the standings to make adjustments in flights for competitive balance and to better flight the end-of-season Gold Cup Jamboree. To report scores go to Game Reports and then click on Game Reports next to the game. You can enter scores, and you can even grade referees if you like!

Adding Team Officials

Go to Edit Team > Team Officials to add team officials or to change the main team contact. Note: if you want to replace yourself with someone else (e.g. as team manager), first add them before deleting your role!! Otherwise, you will have deleted your role and then cannot add someone else. Also note that on the Edit Team page you can change your team name. The Clubs Request That You NOT Do This. If you want to change the name of your team, contact your club officials at League Officers.