Sideline Behavior
By participating in the Alameda Contra Costa Soccer League as a coach, team administrator, player, parent or other team supporter/spectator, certain expectations are to be met regarding conduct at games and team events.
1. Coaches and all team officials are responsible for controlling their own behavior, the behavior of their players, and the conduct of spectators on their sidelines. A coach may be required to immediately leave the vicinity of the field based on the conduct of the sidelines regardless of whether the coach or other team official participated in or encouraged the conduct.
2. Coaching from the touchline, i.e., giving directions to one’s own team on points of strategy and position, is permitted provided:
a. Person is a registered team official;
b. No physical or mechanical devices are used;
c. The tone of voice is informative and not abusive.
No coaching by anyone may take place anywhere but at his/her own bench area during the match, (exception u8 play, one registered team official is allowed behind the goal to help coach the goalie). A team’s bench area shall be that area 1 yard away from the touchline and extending 10 yards in each direction from the halfway line. If both teams locate their bench area on the same side of the field due to existing adverse conditions, then each bench area shall be limited to that area 1 yard from the touchline and extending 20 yards in one direction from the halfway line, in different directions for each team.
Coaches should take appropriate steps to minimize scoring in runaway games. Recreational teams must adhere to ACCYSL 4 Goal Rule.
Coaches and other team officials are expected to be an example of good behavior, in actions and words, to game officials, to all players, parents of players and the team’s other supporters.
3. Respect the game officials at all times, including referees, field hosts/marshals and league officers. Only registered team officials may talk to referees. Refrain from questioning their decisions or challenging their authority. Never address referees in a loud, disrespectful, or abusive manner.
REMEMBER – Referees are under NO obligation to discuss calls. NEVER approach a youth referee who is not accompanied by an adult referee. NEVER try to continue discussions with a referee who does not wish to talk to you.
ACCYSL has adopted a ZERO tolerance response toward any coach, player, parent or spectator abusing or assaulting a referee before, during or after a game.
The proper way to protest or comment on an individual referee’s actions on the field is for a team official to contact Jerry Nelson at or Jack Wagoner at
4. All cheering must be in a positive manner, refraining at all times from making negative or abusive remarks about the opposing team. Maintain control of your emotions and avoid actions, language, and/or gestures that may be interpreted as hostile or humiliating.
5. Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team and display positive sporting behavior at the conclusion of a game, and be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat. Promote the concept to all players that soccer is a game and that players and coaches associated with other teams are also part of the game.
6. The use or consumption of any alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs before, during or after the playing of a match by any player, coach, other team official or spectator is expressly prohibited. The use of tobacco will not be allowed on any soccer field or within 25 yards of any ACCYSL affiliated activity involving youth players. Teams will be responsible for picking up all trash on their sidelines following the game.
Consequences for violating the Behavior Policy, depending on the severity can range from giving the league assurance that there will be no repeat of any given offense, to the team, coach, player or parent being banned from participation in the league.
Conducta En El Campo
Al participar en la Liga de Fútbol de Alameda-Contra Costa (ACCYSL) en calidad de entrenador, administrador de equipo, jugador, padre, u otro espectador o aficionado, se espera que respete ciertas reglas de conducta durante los partidos y eventos del equipo.
1. Los entrenadores y los oficiales de equipo serán responsables de controlar su propio comportamiento y el de sus jugadores, como también la conducta de los espectadores del partido ubicados junto a las líneas de banda de la cancha. Se podría exigir que un entrenador u otro oficial del equipo abandonara inmediatamente los alrededores de la cancha debido a un problema de conducta en la periferia del campo de juego aunque esa persona no haya fomentado la conducta en cuestión ni participado en ella.
2. Entrenamiento desde la periferia de la cancha. Se permite dar direcciones a su propio equipo en lo que se refiere a estrategia de juego y posición siempre y cuando:
a. La persona que dé las instrucciones sea un oficial del equipo y esté registrada en la liga;
b. No se utilice ningún objeto ni aparato mecánico;
c. El tono de voz sea informativo y no abusivo.
Durante el partido, no se permitirá entrenamiento alguno desde otro lugar que no sea el área de la banca del equipo (a excepción del grupo U8, para niños de menos de 8 años, en el que se permite que un entrenador se ubique detrás del arco para ayudar a dirigir al arquero). La zona de banca de cada equipo se define como el área de 1 yarda fuera de la línea de la cancha y se extiende 10 yardas en cada dirección desde el medio campo. En caso de que ambos equipos ubiquen su banca en el mismo lado de la cancha, la zona de banca se limitará a 1 yarda de la línea de cancha y se extenderá 20 yardas en una sola dirección desde el medio campo, un equipo en dirección opuesta al otro.
Los entrenadores deben tomar las medidas apropiadas para minimizar la diferencia de goles cuando un equipo demuestra excesiva superioridad con respecto al adversario. Los equipos recreativos deben adherirse a la Regla de 4 Goles de la ACCYSL.
Se espera que los entrenadores y los oficiales de equipo sean ejemplo de buen comportamiento, tanto en sus acciones como en su lenguaje hacia los oficiales del partido, los jugadores, los padres y otros espectadores.
3. Respete en todo momento a los oficiales de juego, como los árbitros, los anfitriones y los oficiales de la liga. Solamente los oficiales de equipo registrados en la liga podrán dirigirse a los árbitros. Evite cuestionar sus decisiones o enfrentar su autoridad. Nunca se dirija a los árbitros de manera abusiva, con un tono de voz irrespetuoso ni alto.
RECUERDE – Los árbitros NO tienen ninguna obligación de explicar sus decisiones. NUNCA se acerque a un árbitro juvenil que no esté acompañado de un adulto. NUNCA trate de sostener discusiones con un árbitro que no quiera hablar con usted.
La ACCYSL ha adoptado la respuesta de CERO tolerancia hacia cualquier entrenador, jugador, padre o espectador que abuse o ataque a un árbitro antes, después o durante el partido.
La forma correcta de protestar las acciones de un árbitro en la cancha es a través de un oficial del equipo, que deberá comunicarse con el coordinador de árbitros de la ACCYSL (Jack Wagoner, 510-527-6956, y registrar sus comentarios acerca del árbitro en cuestión.
4. Toda barra deberá ser positiva, evitando en todo momento cualquier comentario negativo o abusivo sobre el equipo contrario. Controle sus emociones y evite acciones, lenguaje o gestos que puedan interpretarse como hostiles o irrespetuosos.
5. Respete a los entrenadores y jugadores del equipo contrario y demuestre su mejor espíritu deportivo al fin de cada partido. Sea humilde y generoso en la victoria, y orgulloso y cortés en la derrota. Promueva el concepto de que el fútbol es un juego del que tanto los entrenadores como los jugadores de los dos equipos forman parte.
6. Está expresamente prohibido el consumo de cualquier bebida alcohólica o droga ilegal antes, durante o después de los partidos por parte de cualquier jugador, entrenador, oficial de equipo o espectador. No se permitirá fumar en ninguna cancha ni a 25 yardas alrededor de ninguna actividad afiliada con ACCYSL en la que participen jugadores juveniles. Los equipos serán responsables de recoger toda la basura generada en la periferia de la cancha.
Las consecuencias de contravenir las reglas de comportamiento, dependiendo de la severidad de la falta, pueden variar desde la exigencia de que el entrenador, jugador, oficial de equipo, padre o espectador prometa no repetir la conducta, hasta la prohibición de que la persona vuelva a participar en la liga.
ACCYSL 4 Goal Rule For U12 And Below In-House Recreational Teams
Adopted at the league board meeting 9/20/2007; revised by the board on 9/19/2013.
All Alameda Contra Costa Youth Soccer League teams are required to take appropriate steps to minimize scoring in runaway games. Recreational teams must adhere to ACCYSL 4 Goal Rule.
The main objectives of the recreational soccer program are to have fun and to help every child develop as a soccer player. If one team is greatly superior to the other in any match, these objectives are often lost. Therefore, the ACCYSL board has adopted this policy to make the game more fun for the losing team and to better challenge the winning team.
Failure or refusal by a coach or team official to follow this mandatory 4 Goal Rule will be grounds for disciplinary action by the league. See below.
The 4 Goal Rule will not be applied to micro soccer (Under-6 & Under-7 matches), although the league expects that coaches will make adjustments in accordance with the spirit and intent of this rule.
(1) Before the game restarts after one team attains a four-goal advantage, it is the responsibility of the coach of the winning team to remove one player.
(2) If the winning team scores additional goals, an additional player must be removed for each additional goal before resuming play. At no time will an Under-12 team be required to play with less than six players. Under-10, Under-9 and Under-8 teams will not be required to play with less than six players as well.
(3) If goals are scored by the losing team after the invocation of this rule, the winning team may increase the number of players on the field at the same rate as they were removed: one player for each goal by the losing team up to the maximum allowed.
(4) The selection of the player to be removed from the field under this rule will be made by the coach of the winning team. It is expected that the players with the most impact on the game will be removed first.
(5) The referee is empowered and expected to enforce removal and addition of players. It is the responsibility of a registered team official to report complaints to the Recreational Match Scheduler and a club representative. Referees should include infractions of this rule in their game reports.
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, a winning coach may also consider making other adjustments, such as players who do not usually get an opportunity to score should be given a chance to play attacking positions. Stronger players should be moved to defense, goalkeeper, or the sideline. Coaches may also introduce other devices, such as a rule that no shot may be taken until after there have been at least three passes, or that each player must play the ball on the first or second touch. The teams may even agree to exchange some players to even out the talent on the field.
Consequences for violating the 4 goal rule
• First Violation: Coach will be required to give the league President and Recreational Match Scheduler written assurance that there will be no repeat of the offense.
• Subsequent Violation: The coach immediately becomes ineligible for participation with his/her team for one game.
• ACC disciplinary committee will review any multiple violation cases. Depending on the severity, additional sanctions may be applied.
Playing Down
Playing down, or playing at an age group below what is indicated on your player pass, is not allowed for youth soccer. Even if your club registration procedures do not make a distinction between two age groups, the birth date of the player is specified on the player pass, and the age group distinction must be respected when forming teams. A referee will refuse to allow a player to play if over age.
In rare cases the league president may allow a player or team to play down for competitive balance. However, a formal written request must be made by the team’s club president.
Spring vs Fall Rules
In the Fall players must play for the team listed on their player passes. If a player needs wants to transfer to a different team, first speak with the current coach, and then with the coach of the team to which the player is transferring. Then contact the club registrar about the transfer procedure.
In the Spring a player is free to play for any team (except for playing down) as long as the player has a valid CalNorth (CYSA) player pass for that year. However, it is considered poor sportsmanship to invite “competitive ringers ” to play for a recreational team just to gain advantage. While occasionally a competitive player is allowed to be part of a recreational team in Spring due to registration or other administrative player pass problems, coaches for recreational teams may absolutely not load up their team with competitive players in a way that leaves recreational players on the bench. If you believe this is happening, kindly report the situation to the league president. |
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