Alameda Contra Costa Youth Soccer League Bylaws

April 2001; Revised January 25, 2007; Revised February 27, 2014; Revised August 10, 2017; Revised February 28, 2024; Revised February 19, 2025

ARTICLE I Name and Composition

The name of this league is the Alameda Contra Costa Youth Soccer League (the “League”). The League is formed as a federation of clubs active within the League boundaries who have sought membership in the League. These clubs currently consist of the Eastshore Alliance Fútbol Club (“EAFC”) and Richmond United Soccer Club (“Richmond United”) (collectively, the “Current Member Clubs”).


ARTICLE II Boundaries and Territories

The southern boundary of the League is the Oakland-Emeryville city line, the Oakland-Berkeley city line, and that part of Oakland with the zip code 94609. The northern boundary is the boundary between the League and the West Contra Costa Youth Soccer League.


The purpose of the League is to develop, promote, and administer the game of soccer among youth younger than 19 years of age, regardless of age, sex, race, creed, and/or ability, within the territory of the League. This purpose shall be pursued in compliance with the League Mission Statement, as most recently approved by the Board of Directors of the League on July 19, 2007, and as may be amended from time to time as the Board of Directors deems appropriate.

ARTICLE IV Affiliation

The League is Alameda Contra Costa Youth Soccer League, Inc. (“ACCYSL”), a California nonprofit corporation. The League is an affiliated branch of Cal North (formerly the California Youth Soccer Association “CYSA”), and through Cal North with United States Youth Soccer (“USYS”) and the United States Soccer Federation (“USSF”). The League and/or its member clubs may maintain additional affiliations with other organizations whose primary purpose is to credential, insure, and/or organize youth soccer activities, such as NorCal Premier Youth Soccer League.


ARTICLE V Authorities

  1. The League is governed by these Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation of the ACCYSL, and, to the extent applicable, the Constitution and Bylaws of Cal North, except where superseded by USYS and USSF. Each of these referenced documents shall be made available to any Member of the League (defined below) upon reasonable notice to the League’s duly appointed secretary (the “Secretary”). These Bylaws may be changed or amended by (i) a vote of the Members at the Annual General Meeting (defined below) or at a duly called special meeting of the Members or (ii) by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board of Directors which vote shall be ratified by the Members at the next Annual General Meeting following such vote of the Board of Directors provided, that the vote of the Board of Directors shall be in force and effect on an interim basis until such time as the Members ratify or reject such vote.
  1. The governing authority of the League shall be the Board of Directors, whose powers are described in these Bylaws.
  1. The League may recognize committees for the purpose of coordinating the administration of League programs.

ARTICLE VI Membership

  1. Membership

Members shall include the members of the Board of Directors (“Board Members”) and one duly appointed representative (“Advisory Rep”) from each Member Club that is part of ACCYSL (the Board Members and Advisory Reps shall be deemed the “Members”). A new Member Club (that is, any Member Club other than the Current Member Clubs) must wait a minimum of 12 months after being accepted into ACCYSL before its Advisory Rep is eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors, which vote will take place during the Annual General Meeting. The Advisory Rep may be duly appointed to and serve on a committee without voting rights within the first 12 months of joining the League.

The Advisory Rep from each Member Club is required to attend each monthly Board of Directors meeting but will not have voting rights at any such Board meetings. For further clarification, (1) only Board Members are eligible to vote at any point in time; and (2) a Member Club is not required to send an Advisory Rep to the monthly Board meetings if that Member Club already has one or more representatives on the Board of Directors.

If an Advisory Rep from a new Member Club fails to attend three (3) consecutive Board meetings, the Board has the right to request their removal and a replacement advisory representative provided by the Member Club within thirty (30) days following the notice.

  1. New Member Clubs

New Member Clubs (that is, member clubs in addition to the Current Members) within the League boundaries may join the League by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Board of Directors, on the following two conditions: (1) the new club shall have at least a 5-year history of securing the necessary field permits for the practices and games of its teams, and will make these fields available to the League, as needed, to ensure adequate field access for League activities; (2) the new club shall deposit its allocated portion of the annual budgeted League fees and expenses with the League on a Board approved payment schedule; (3) the new club shall agree to the exclusive use of ACCYSL for referee coordination and integrate their existing referees into the ACCYSL referee coordination. The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (⅔) vote, may set other conditions for new clubs to join the League.

  1. Member Club Removal

A Member Club may be removed from the League for failure to pay required fees or its share of League costs or expenses within ninety (90) days, or for failing to comply with these Bylaws or Board directives, upon a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Board of Directors.

  1. Member Club Withdrawal

A Member Club may withdraw from the League after providing the Board of Directors at least ninety (90) days’ notice, and then only if it has paid all of its allocated share of League fees and expenses through and including that ninety-day period.

  1. Non-Compete Agreement

Member Clubs shall not compete directly with ACCYSL in securing field permits (including challenging for fields), or in poaching referees. Any person from a Member Club may file a protest to the Disciplinary Committee per Article XIII in these Bylaws.

The Board will act as a conflict mediator for any intra-club conflicts arising from issues in the non-compete agreement.

  1. All Member Clubs, their players, coaches, parents, and referees shall abide by these Bylaws, the rules of play (“Rules of Play,” which shall be made available to any Member Club upon reasonable notice to the Secretary), the regulations of the League as set forth by the Board of Directors, and all applicable rules and regulations of the associations with which this League is affiliated.

ARTICLE VII Seasonal Year 

The seasonal year for membership shall be from June 1 through May 31(the “Seasonal Year”). Insurance coverage shall be for the same period. A player’s age for the purposes of team assignment shall be determined by his or her age as of January 1.

ARTICLE VIII Annual General Meeting 

  1. Toward the end of the calendar year, the President of the League (the “President”), with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, shall call for an annual general meeting of the Members, to be held no later than February 28 of the said Seasonal Year (the “Annual General Meeting”). Written notification shall be sent to all Members at least 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. For purposes of this notification, the Members shall be notified by the Secretary through an email message. Each member of the Board of Directors may vote at the meeting (subject to the limitation set forth in Section 3 of this Article VIII). If the meeting is not called by the President, the Annual General Meeting shall be held on the third Thursday in the month of February, at a location within the boundaries of the League, as determined by the Vice President.
  1. The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to elect the Board of Directors, modify League membership and to transact any other business which may come before the meeting. Proper business for this meeting includes modification of these Bylaws, Club Membership changes, Rules of Play, or League Regulations.
  1. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote. Voting shall not be by proxy.
  1. The Board of Directors must present its nominations for election to the Board of Directors to the Members within 21 days prior to the meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
  1. A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be a majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
  1. If a quorum is not present at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors may conduct a subsequent qualifying election by email or other reasonable methods that may secure a quorum, which method the Board of Directors may determine in its reasonable discretion.

ARTICLE IX Board of Directors 

  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Only eligible Member Clubs may have a representative on the Board of Directors. The President shall rotate between the Member Clubs every year. Up to four (4) additional Board members may be added upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors: Communications Coordinator, Field Coordinator, Scheduling Coordinator, and/or Referee Coordinator. No member of the Board of Directors shall receive monetary compensation from the League for Board-related activities without the express approval of the Board of Directors (without counting the vote of the member who may be compensated). 1111
  1. The Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Terms of office shall commence upon the completion of the Annual General Meeting (or subsequent election in accordance with Section 6 of Article VIII) and shall continue for one year or until a successor takes office.
  1. Vacancies on the Board may be filled during the year by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the event that a member of the Board of Directors is no longer able to serve or is removed from office, a replacement may be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. An individual elected to fill a vacancy shall be entitled to hold the office until the next Annual General Meeting.
  1. Each Member Club shall be responsible for providing a minimum of one person to be the liaison between the League and their respective clubs (which may be a Board member or appointed rep). They shall also be responsible for ensuring club representation on League committees.
  1. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at a time and place within the League boundaries to be determined by the Board of Directors at its prior meeting. The meeting shall automatically end at 10:00 PM, and all items still on the agenda shall become “old business” on the next month’s agenda. The Board of Directors may extend the meeting in discrete intervals only by a majority vote. Other ending times may be approved by the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting.
  1. Special Meetings may be held by the Board of Directors by request of the President or any two (2) members of the Board of Directors. Notice shall be given in writing to all members of the Board of Directors 96 hours before the meeting. Such notice shall be delivered personally, by email or text message, 96 hours before the meeting.
  1. A quorum shall consist of the simple majority of the Board of Directors.
  1. On all matters requiring a vote, each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed, although voting via remote participation is not considered by proxy. The act of a simple majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors, unless a greater number is required by these Bylaws or some other law. Each member of the Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the League and shall be subject to such duty with respect to each and every vote or action taken in his or her role as a member of the Board of Directors.
  1. Removal of the members of the Board of Directors shall be at the reasonable discretion of the Board of Directors in accordance with the following:
  1. Grounds for removal shall be failure to perform duties as set forth in these Bylaws, failure to attend more than three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings, or serious abuse of office.
  2. A member of the Board of Directors shall face recall when a petition is signed by a majority of members of the Board of Directors.
  3. The petition shall be presented to the President, who shall call for an Emergency Meeting of the members of the Board of Directors within 14 days. If the recall is directed against the President, the petition shall be presented to the Secretary, who shall call the Emergency Meeting within 14 days.
  4. A majority vote for removal (of those voting) at the Emergency Meeting shall be required for removal of a Director from office.

ARTICLE X Duties of Officers 

  1. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for and have authority for the following:
  2. Being familiar with, interpreting and enforcing the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the League, and all applicable Rules and Regulations of the Associations with which the League is affiliated.
  3. Ensuring proper accounting of fiscal transactions and accurate reporting to the Cal North District Commissioner and/or his/her appointed assistant (or such other official as Cal North shall designate).
  4. Establishing a common set of administrative rules for all teams in the League and providing suitable levels of competition.
  5. Providing opportunities of play for all youth within the boundaries of the League.
  1. The Board of Directors shall have the right and authority to suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any team, player, coach, manager, team assistant, League official, or any other person associated with the League operation from any member team or organization. Disciplinary action may be imposed by the Board of Directors, or by the Disciplinary Committee, and the boards of directors of the member clubs and organizations on behalf of the ACCYSL. Notice of disciplinary action will be communicated in writing within 13 days of determination. Any disciplinary action is subject to appeal as defined in Article XI of this document.
  1. The individual duties of the current Board of Directors are as follows:
  1. President shall be the officer primarily responsible for carrying out the purposes and objectives of the League. The President shall conduct all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting and shall vote at any such meeting. The President shall appoint the standing committees and/or committee chairs, subject to the advice and consent of the Board of Directors. The President shall supervise all business affairs of the League, and may sign, with the Secretary or other proper officer of the League authorized by the Board of Directors, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments that the Board of Directors has authorized. The President and the Treasurer shall be individually and jointly responsible for ensuring that the appropriate U.S. and California tax returns are filed in a timely manner. The President shall perform any other duties prescribed by the Board of Directors.
  1. Vice-President shall be responsible for all activities related to playing fields subject to agreements with and among the Member Clubs and any third-party administrators of local field use, including, to the extent applicable, obtaining permits, developing, and maintaining fields. They shall perform any other duties prescribed by the Board of Directors.
  1. Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings and maintain contact information for all members of the Board of Directors, handle all correspondence of the League (except for that unique to a specific function of another member of the League or its Board of Directors), give notice of required meetings, and maintain the files of the League, including Rules of Play, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. They shall also perform all duties incidental to the Secretary’s office or assigned by the Board of Directors.
  1. Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for any funds and securities of the League, receive and give receipts for all monies due and payable to the League, deposit any funds of the League in its name in the banks, trust companies, or other depositories selected by the Board of Directors, and perform other duties incidental to the office of Treasurer or assigned by the Board of Directors. All accounts shall be paid by check bearing the President’s, Treasurer’s, and/or Registrar’s signature or by electronic transfer (PayPal, direct bank transfers, online credit card payments and the like) authorized by the President, Treasurer, and/or Registrar. The receipt book shall be produced when required by the Board of Directors, properly balanced according to the current bank statement. The Treasurer and the President shall be individually and jointly responsible for ensuring that the appropriate U.S. and California tax returns are filed in a timely manner. The Treasurer shall also be jointly responsible with the Secretary for the Annual Report. If required by the Board of Directors, the Treasurer shall give a bond for the faithful discharge of the Treasurer’s duties in the sum and with the surety or sureties specified by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall provide quarterly financial reports.
  1. Committee coordinators serve as advisory roles for the Board and do not have voting privileges on the Board. The individual duties of the committee chairs are as follows:
  1. Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for external communications of the League and the promotion of its goals and objectives within the communities it serves. This shall include maintaining and updating the League website and other electronic presences, updating and monitoring the use of internal and external email lists, producing occasional printed materials, updating recorded messages including the league rainout number, and preparing other materials as directed by the Board of Directors. In the absence of a communications coordinator, these responsibilities belong to the Secretary.
  1. Field Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining the order, safety and cleanliness of League fields on game days. This shall include making sure that the rules of the organizations to whom these fields belong are followed. Together with the Vice-President, it shall also include ensuring that all necessary equipment and markings are present and in good condition. In the absence of a field coordinator, these responsibilities belong to the vice-president.
  1. Referee Coordinator shall be responsible for the assigning of referees to all seasonal League matches, and together with the Scheduling Coordinator will keep a record of these assignments for the purposes of payment. The Referees Coordinator will chair the Referee Committee and will have overall responsibility of the refereeing program of the League, including the training of new referees and the advanced training of active referees. Referee coordinators may receive payment for their services per approval of the Board of Directors, but they cannot be BOD members. In the absence of a referee coordinator, these responsibilities belong to the President.
  1. Scheduling Coordinator(s) shall be responsible for making the seasonal game schedules and field assignments for all League teams, and perform all other duties assigned to them by the Board of Directors. The scheduling coordinator may serve the League as a whole or only their respective Member club, as agreed upon by the Member Clubs. In the absence of scheduling coordinator(s), these responsibilities belong to the vice-president. If there is a disagreement between the field schedulers on allocation they may bring it to the BOD for review.

ARTICLE XI Standing Committees 

  1. The following standing committees may be appointed yearly. Other committees may be appointed as needed, and the chairs of those other committees shall be appointed by the President.
  1. The Rules Committee is responsible for maintaining the Rules of Play, and for researching any rule or Bylaw change and making recommendations to the Board of Directors. The chair of this committee shall be appointed by the President or in the absence of a committee chair, these responsibilities belong to the President.
  2. The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for hearing all protests and appeals, and for disposing of all disciplinary matters that arise during League play. The chair of this committee will be appointed by the President or in the absence of a committee chair, these responsibilities belong to the President.
  3. The Finance Committee is responsible for preparation of a draft annual budget to be considered at the first League meeting following the Annual General Meeting. It shall be chaired by the Treasurer, including the President, and be otherwise composed of one representative from each member club in the League. or in the absence of a committee chair, these responsibilities belong to the Treasurer.
  4. The Referee Committee is responsible for promoting, training and maintaining the qualifications and registration of the League referees. It shall be chaired by the President and include one representative from each club in the League. or in the absence of a committee chair, these responsibilities belong to the president.
  1. Any committee chairs may introduce business to the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE XII Field Permits

Use of fields under ACCYSL permits shall be allocated between Member Clubs based on needs (number of teams is the primary consideration) of the Member Clubs. The right of first use for all field permits goes to the scheduling coordinator, who will work with Member Clubs to best allocate fields across Member Clubs in the League (considering club geography, request from the Member Clubs and other relevant factors).

ARTICLE XIII Protests and Appeals 

  1. Only violations of the Bylaws, Rules of Play, specific procedures of the League, the Constitution and Bylaws of CYSA, or misapplications of the “Laws of the Game” shall be proper subjects for protests or appeals.
  2. Protests or appeals are to be in writing to the chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee and President within seven (7) calendar days of the action being protested or appealed. The fee of $100 must accompany the protest or appeal and will be returned if the committee votes to uphold the protest or appeal. Any decision rendered by this committee may be appealed to the full Board of Directors of the League per the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of Cal North, or other relevant league or affiliation.
  3. In the matter of Protests and Appeals, no person associated with the operation of the League shall invoke the aid of the courts of any state or of the United States without first exhausting all available remedies within the appropriate soccer organization, including a final appeal to the Annual General Meeting of the USYS.

ARTICLE XIV Dissolution 

The League may be dissolved only in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 9680 of the California Corporations Code.

Should the League be dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated for the sole purpose of the development of youth soccer.

© 2025 ACCYSL
